Please supply your manuscript to Self Publishing US llc. after breaking it down into either a twenty-four or thirty-two page format. It is recommended that you give us a description of what you want illustrated on each page (or each spread) as well as a style you like (cartoon-like, realistic, etc …) if you know. If you are not sure yet and you want to leave it up to the illustrator, that is fine. Select one page or one spread to have the illustrator do for the “Look and Feel.” Self Publishing US llc. will return to you a pencil sketch of that page or spread. You have the choice of accepting or rejecting that pencil sketch. If you accept it, you move on and purchase Step Two, which is referred to as “Complete Pencils.” If you reject the example pencil sketch or have comments, these are conveyed to the illustrator. If the illustrator believes he can make the change, a revised pencil will be shown to you. If the illustrator feels he cannot accomplish the changes requested, you have the choice to purchase another “Look and Feel” with another Self Publishing US llc. illustrator, or you may hire your own outside illustrator.
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