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The White Wolf and Seven Spirits

The White Wolf and Seven SpiritsA Boy’s Vision Quest

by Tracy Vallier


Tracy Vallier writes about a boy’s vision quest in the rugged landscape of Hells Canyon and the Seven Devils Mountains in what is now western Idaho. A large white wolf accompanies the boy as he talked to seven mountain spirits about destiny, leadership, trust and happiness.


Other Books

The Permian and Triassic Seven Devils Group, Western

Idaho and Northeastern Oregon: U.S. Geological Survey Bulletin

1437, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington,

D.C., 1979.

Island and Rapids: A Geologic Story of Hells Canyon: Confluence

Press, Lewiston, Idaho, 1998.

Conversations with an Idaho Bartender: Seven Devils

Books, South Lake Tahoe, California, 2008.

Shadows in the Loess Hills: Seven Devils Books, South

Lake Tahoe, California, 2009.

The White Wolf and Seven Spirits


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